If you have any questions, please take a look at our FAQ. If you have any other questions please contact us through our contact form or by phone at 724-992-3193.

  • What is your process to receive assistance?

If you are in need of assistance, please call our help line, 724 992-3193.  You will speak with a representative of C.A.N. who will assign you to a case worker who will call you and arrange a meeting  All potential clients must go through our intake process.  You must also be a resident of the Grove City Area School District, meaning you must reside in the Grove City Borough, Liberty Township, Pine Township, Springfield Township, or Wolf Creek Township.

  • What kind of questions will I be asked in the intake?

We need to know basic information about your income and expenses.  Also, be prepared to provide a detailed explanation of your crisis.

  • Do I need to provide any documentation?

Yes. We ask you to provide copies of bills pertaining to your request and household expenses as well as personal documentation such as a driver’s license or a passport.

  • How soon will I get an answer?

All requests must be approved by our Board of Directors.  We ask that you give us 48 hours to provide an answer to your request.

  • What church are you affiliated with?

The members of our organization are Christian men & women belonging to several different area churches.  C.A.N. is not tied to any church or religious organization.

  • When you help someone, is it a once in a lifetime thing?

Our mission is to help individuals and/or families in “crisis”.  We are not a sustaining organization.  We have, and will, assist a family more than once but the crisis has to be different and some time has to have passed.

  • Are there limits to how much assistance you will give someone?

Our resources are not limitless, so you might say we have limits.  Each case is looked at independently and based on our experience and the needs of the client as well as the available resources, we render a decision that we feel is in the best interest of all parties involved.

  • Are there other agencies like C.A.N. in this area?

To our knowledge, there is no other organization in Mercer County that provides the numerous services that we offer. Unlike many assistance agencies, we strive to cut the red tape and get people help within 48 hours.

  • How long does it take to find out if C.A.N. is able to offer assistance?

This is one of the areas that makes us unique.  We can usually provide a decision within 48 hours of our required Intake Interview. Please apply for assistance to get in touch with one of our caseworkers.

  • What is an Intake Interview?

Our organization requires that the proposed client submit to a 45-60 minute interview where we gather information essential to our decision making process.

  • What if I am uncomfortable answering the questions on your Intake Form?

Then we will be less likely to offer our resources to resolve your “Crisis”.  Our By-Laws require the form in all cases.

  • What do you do in the case of a denied request?

In most cases, we will offer other organizations or programs that are known to help in the specific area of your “Crisis”.  Through the years, we have compiled a list of organizations that assist individuals/families in need.  We cannot guarantee their help, but provide contact information to our clients.

  • From where do you get your funding?

In recent years, 60% came from Grants, 35% from local churches, 5% from individuals.  In fact, some of the clients we have helped repaid the funds that were used to help them!

  • How can someone volunteer to help?

Simply by calling our Hotline at 724-992-3193, speaking to any of our Board Members or by filling out our contact form on our website.

  • Do you offer CASH assistance to those who ask for it?

We never provide cash assistance of any kind.

  • What kinds of services do you provide?
  1. Energy assistance
  2. Rent or mortgage help
  3. Food or clothing assistance
  4. Home repair
  5. Medical needs
  6. Budget counseling
  7. Referral to other community resources
  8. Lifestyle coaching
  9. And more. Please contact us if you need help in anyway and we will either help you or put you in contact with an organization that can.
  • What area do you serve?

Our By-Laws specifically require us to work within the confines of the Grove City School District.

  • Are your clients required to be Christians or do they have to attend Church?

As much as we believe that being a member of a church family is important to your relationship with God, it is not a requirement to receive our services. We serve all in need of help.