Mission Statement

The Mission statement of Christian Assistance Network is simply to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. This means to practically reach those who are in need. Jesus said in Matthew 9:12 “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” Jesus witnessed to those who were in need not people who thought they had it all together. Jesus met them when they were at there most vulnerable moment and that is what C.A.N. strives to do. The Bible also says in James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” C.A.N. feels there is great need in the Grove City school district area.  C.A.N. seeks to help relieve that need and spread the gospel through activity showing the love of Christ. This mission of C.A.N. has changed very little throughout the years of its existence. It is to help the poor, the disabled, the disadvantaged and the elderly with the basic needs of food, clothing, housing and medical expenses.

In 2008, C.A.N. added another focus to its mission: to become a clearinghouse of information and support for the community needs in Grove City. C.A.N. strives to partner with churches and community organizations that are not equipped like C.A.N. to handle crises quickly. C.A.N. strives to help them more effectively minister to the community. C.A.N. also tries to be aware of all the resources that are available to help people in need so that can direct the people to the proper places. In summary C.A.N. strives to help people in a crisis situation, partner to make churches in the community better, connect people to individuals or organizations that can truly help them, and finally and most importantly to bring about real and permanent change in people which is only possible through the power of Jesus Christ. Be a part of this ministry today by either donating or volunteering.